Cutting grinder - Shreedders

Cutting grinder SPK30

Weight 75 kg
Use for cutting and grinding straw, wood shavings and coarser sawdust for pellet production.
Crushing power 300kg/hr
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Shredder-Cutting grinder KS650

Weight 195 kg
Use for cutting and grinding straw, wood shavings and coarser sawdust for pellet production.
Crushing power 200-500 kg/hr
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Shredder-Cutting grinder KS 750

Weight 245 kg
Use for cutting and grinding straw, wood shavings and coarser sawdust for pellet production.
Crushing power 200-900 kg/hr
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Shredder-Cutting grinder RS 850

Weight 280 kg
Use for cutting and grinding straw, wood shavings and coarser sawdust for pellet production.
Crushing power 400-1000 kg/hr
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Shredder-Cutting grinder RS 1000

Weight 980 kg
Crushing power 1250-3500 kg/hr
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Naše stroje jsou stoprocentní české výrobky

Firma KOVO NOVÁK Jan Novák může používat chráněný znak ,,ČESKÝ VÝROBEK,, na základě osvědčení č.316 ze dne 27.10. 2005.